Florida law does not address email yet as it pertains to landlord/tenant law or notices. Can you serve a 3-day notice by email? Can a resident serve you with a notice they are vacating by email? Can you send a Notice of Non-renewal by email? The Residential Landlord/Tenant Act does not expressly allow for this method of service concerning statutory notices. While there is a recent court case in which one judge felt that email and a confirmation was sufficient, we recommend using email and texting if permission is granted, BUT always using the standard old-fashioned way of written mailed notice, notice on the door, hand-delivered notice, or whatever the lease or the law requires based on the situation. Always know how a notice needs to be served, as not all notices can or should be served the same way. Use email as a back-up, and if the resident or your owner responds, print the email out and save it, as the response to your email and the chain of emails in your hand can help you prove that someone did indeed get the notice.
Here at 98 Realty & Property Management Company, we generally accept notices via email, however encourage sending a paper copy as well. If in doubt, contact the Property Manager at